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Branch Shadow

One-off treatments

Aromatherapy: balance and renew

A full body aromatherapy treatment using essential oil blends for deep and soothing relaxation.

1 hour | £60

Reiki: heal and restore

Choose between a one-hour powerful treatment which purifies the body and restores balance, ideal for regular treatments and maintaining a healthy body, mind and heart; or a short treatment with immediate effects, ideal for stress release and energy uplifting.

1 hour | £60 or 30 minutes £35

Indian Head Massage: premium relaxation

Choose between a full Indian Head Massage covering the upper back, shoulders, arms, neck, head and face, and chakras, ideal to start afresh; or a longer treatment for next-level relaxation, with a special focus on pressure points, facial contouring and detoxing techniques.

1 hour | £60 or 2 hours | £110

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